Meet T1D Momma, Lyora

Michelle Hale, 8 months pregnant in Hong Kong.
Michelle Hale wore her Dexcom and Medtronic 640G pump throughout her pregnancy.

When I was 35 I went to Kaiser for my usual endo visit.

I decided to ask about motherhood as I was getting to the point that I knew I had to make some decisions. The nurse practitioner told me I shouldn’t have kids because of my age and my A1c being too high. I was devastated, all I had wanted my whole life was to be a wife and mother.

Seven years later I was newly married, had tried to adopt for years, and was desperate to have a child. I went to a new endocrinologist and told her I wanted to try to get pregnant. She was very supportive and told me there was no reason I shouldn’t try.

I was put on a cgm and a pump, and got my A1c down from a 7.4 to a 5.5. It was a lot of hard work, and after trying the natural way we consulted with a fertility clinic. Going through IVF as a 43 year old diabetic had its challenges, but I was determined.

I got pregnant and that’s when I was even more determined to keep my blood sugars stable. I didn’t allow myself to give in to any cravings, and got healthier than I had my entire life: low carb, lots of veggies, daily exercise up until I gave birth. It was worth it.

At 44, I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. I wish I hadn’t listened to the nurse practitioner that had told me I couldn’t have a baby, but everything happens for a reason. I’m so thankful to be a part of an amazing group like Sugar Mommas that gave me so much knowledge and support throughout my fertility journey and beyond.


Meet T1D Momma, Stephanie R.


Meet T1D Momma, Michelle H.