Eye Risks in Pregnancy With Preexisting Diabetes
As a woman who lives with preexisting diabetes we always hear of the necessity for more frequent eye exams in pregnancy. But why do our doctors want us to have more frequent visits during pregnancy? Are women who live with preexisting diabetes at higher risk for eye complications during pregnancy?
Meet T1D Momma, Ashley V.
When you are a woman married to another woman, both of whom desire to carry a baby, the choice seems obvious. One wife can carry the first baby and the other can carry the next...easy right? But what if both wives are considered high risk? This was our dilemma, and here is our journey toward growing our family.
Meet T1D Momma, Chelsea B.
Being diagnosed as an adult with Type 1 Diabetes, Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease and PCOS I didn’t see having my own children as a possibility, but dreams can come true!
Is Baby Aspirin Recommended in Pregnancy?
Is it recommended that people who live with diabetes to take aspirin during their pregnancy? Our medical advisory board investigates.
Meet T1D Momma, Kaeli G.
My name is Kaeli and when I found out I was expecting whilie living with diabetes I was scared, but hopefully. And then I was diagnosed at 6 months pregnant with Covid.
Does Living With Diabetes Increase Chances Of Preeclampsia?
Are women with Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes at higher risk for Preeclampsia? This is a common question for women living with all forms of diabetes who are pregnant.